LIFE AFTER                                             PANDEMIC 
           By: Hannah Marie D. Requina 

After we are seeing encouraging signs of progress in our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, we fight , we experience more struggles in our life. When after a weeks of quarantine and staying at home protocols. While we are not yet out of the woods, we can't go out without our vaccination card. Our collective attention appears to be shifting to what life will be like after COVID-19 pandemic. We're all eager to return to have a "NORMAL LIFE BEFORE," but some experts believe the COVID-19 global pandemic will cause permanent changes in our lives because it is a bad in our health, and the way other country have a good environment now and around the world are not. Will we ever be back to the way things were before the virus hit us ? Then when it was.

Amy experiences in pandemic before it's very difficult because you can't leave your house when you're not adults or you don't have an ID to show to the police. When we were in the middle of the pandemic there were many incidents in our lives and homes because we lacked in budgeting money for our food and our home necessities. When due to my uncle's unemployment we suffered in the middle of the summer because of not being paid for a few months due to the low estimate of their salary. Due to the pandemic we need to install wifi due to the lack of good signal in our home so there is an extra charge because I will use it for admission online, very difficult because I will not experience attending grade 11 Face to face classes but even so, I can still survive and be able to finish well for my uncle who is sacrificing.

Beyond our current social distance and mask-wearing in public now, we need to follow protocols in our country, Our world could change in a variety of ways. Companies of all sizes are overcoming their aversion to allowing employees to work remotely. Business travel and conferences may become more virtual in nature now because we don't have a good spot for that, with fewer in-person events. Schools from elementary to college level have been forced to accelerate online learning capabilities, which have the potential to change the future of education. Virtual meetings are becoming more popular, with people using services such as Zoom, Meet, and Teams for everything from business meetings to exercise classes. In recent years, both online shopping and physical stores have experienced rapid growth. That expansion has exploded. All of this because of the new normal.

A COVID 19 pandemic-scale disaster can also change the mind in interesting ways. This effect can be seen in those who survived the Great Depression. The most striking remnants of this era were those who had lived a lot for a long time. 

As the very least, people will appreciate much of what we once took for granted. As we return to some similarity to become an predictability, We should pose ourselves a few basic inquiries for our opportunity to be enough. We ought to think about how our reality looks during this "Extraordinary Delay of Life " and utilize that to come to informed conclusions about how we believe it should search later on. We experience an big struggle about our climate change. On a more private level, could you at any point make the most of this inconceivable open door we have give to contemplate what your life will resemble after the pandemic, you want? Maybe getting back to your past life isn't the most ideal arrangement because sometimes it can't be happiness for our LIFE.


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